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An Autism Service Dog Provides a social bridge for a child affected by Autism to connect with the world around them. 


Recent Studies show that autism service dogs reduce stress hormone levels in children with autism. Parents are reporting many other benefits that these faithful, hard-working companions provide as well. Here are some of the life-enhancing experiences that are attributed to owning an autism service dog:




· dog provides a sense of security


· decreases meltdowns


· decreases anxiety and acts of aggression


· increases willingness to try to new things


· increases ability to face fearful situation




·      increases social interaction due to the dog being an ice breaker and taking the focus off the child’s disability


·      decreases self-absorption


·      decreases undesirable behaviors (dog can redirect the child)


·      provides positive community buffer




·      improves social skills due to added motivation


·      encourages verbal communication, increased vocabulary




·      loyal and constant companion


·      unconditional and non-judgmental friend


·      non-verballyteaches concepts of friendship like compassion, patience and empathy




·      increases feeling of empowerment


·      dog can help with daily living skills


·      increases sense of responsibility




·      improves motor skills and increases physical activity level


·      improves quality of sleep

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