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Sophie Finds a Friend and how she was born...

Jan Lopez

Updated: Jul 7, 2019

As I was going through things the other day I came across my final report for my Master's at Bergin College of Canine Studies. This is where Sophie Finds a Friend was born! Many of you know our Sophie and her book I created for children on the autism spectrum, but you might not know the research involved. I worked hard on this! :-)

I started to think that maybe some of you might be interested in learning about the process and the research that was behind the scenes. Maybe some of you are geeks like me that love the research about dogs. The research still stands and much has been done in the interim. It's long, 24 pages, but chock full of good stuff! lol. I will also include the references if you want to look at those too. Please share with your family and friends who are interested in the research being done with dogs! click here:

Sophie Finds A Friend isn't available on Amazon right now, due to a computer glitch (don't you hate those?) but you can buy it through this site, or contact me on email ( and we'll get you a copy. or 10 if you need them.



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